Jackson's siblings banned from Calabasas home

29/07/2012 00:00

The Executors of Michael Jackson’s Estate have barred a number Michael Jackson's siblings from the California home where their mother, Katherine, is raising his three children.

Randy and Janet Jackson while recording Michael Jackson's children during Calabasas home scuffle

The details of who is and isn’t allowed onto the Calabasas, California is detailed in an email obtained by CNN’s Roland S. Martin.

Howard Weitzman, who represents John McClain and John Branca, sent the email Wednesday to Charles Schultz, an attorney for Mrs. Jackson.

Weitzman writes that after the drama over the last two weeks, which including that Katherine Jackson had gone missing for 10 days and was unable to reach Paris, Prince and Blanket Jackson, which led to her having to share guardianship of the children with another grandchild, TJ Jackson, it is necessary to bar certain family and friends from the property.

“Given the circumstances of the last two weeks, and in order to protect the children and Mrs. Jackson, the Executors believe that it would not be appropriate to allow the following individuals to enter the residence or its grounds and we instruct the security to preclude the following from entering the residence or the grounds: Randy Jackson and any of his children, Janet Jackson, Rebbie Jackson and any of her children, Jermaine Jackson, his wife and any of his children, Janice Smith, or anyone else who was involved in the recent events that led to Mrs. Jackson’s separation from and inability to communicate with Michael’s children, or any agents or representatives of any of these individuals,” Weitzman wrote.

“There will be no other security or drivers allowed on the property except those employed by the Estate of Michael Jackson. Joe Jackson is precluded from entering the property. Howard Mann who is in litigation against the Estate and is working with the Jackson siblings that wrote the “letter” should also not be allowed on the premises.”

The “letter” Weitzman is referring to is the one signed by Randy, Janet, Jermaine, Rebbie and Tito Jackson, alleging that the 2002 will authorizing Branca and McClain to be the Executors of Estate is fraudulent. Tito later apologized for signing the letter.

“Of course, Paris, Prince and Blanket, T.J. and his brothers, Tito, Marlon, Jackie and their spouses, current security (hired by the Estate), staff (per T.J.), Meg Lodise, Michael Kane, Sandra Ribera, Parry Sanders, Trent Jackson, you (Charles Shultz) and anyone else authorized by T.J. (other than the excluded individuals listed above), may enter and remain on the premises,” Weitzman wrote.

Weitzman’s email does not mention Michael’s sister, LaToya, and whether she can visit the property. She has publicly called on her family to stop the infighting.

According to a Jackson family source, the Estate is allowed to make such demands because it pays the monthly lease payment on the Calabas home. Katherine Jackson controls the $70,000 monthly stipend the Estate allocates to each Jackson child – a total of $210,000 – any way she sees fit, including school costs and other expenses.

Katherine Jackson is currently in the process of trying to purchase the home so the estate won’t be able to dictate such terms, the source said.

Weitzman writes that if law enforcement needs to be made of the letter, Schultz, T.J. Jackson or anyone else is authorized to show it to them.

“It is imperative to the Estate that from this point forward a safe and appropriate environment be provided for Michael Jackson’s children and his mother as well,” Weitzman wrote.