Michael Jackson attacked again with defamatory promoters' emails leaked
Yesterday were leaked defamatory emails in which is said that promoters of Michael Jackson’s planned 2009 comeback described how they feared for the megastar’s stability, saying he was out of shape and consumed with self-doubt.
The Los Angeles Times obtained some 250 pages of messages, most between executives at Anschutz Entertainment Group, which was financing the ill-fated “This Is It” concerts set for London. Some of the emails indicated that executives were concerned that Jackson’s planned 50-show stand at AEG’s 02 Arena would be an expensive bust.
In one exchange AEG’s Randy Phillips wrote his boss that Jackson was “an emotionally paralyzed mess.” Phillips was writing from Jackson’s London hotel suite just hours before a press conference announcing the concert run.
“MJ is locked in his room drunk and despondent,” Phillips said in an email to AEG President Tim Leiweke. “I (am) trying to sober him up.”
In the end, the emails show, Phillips and Jackson’s manager had to dress him, the Times said.
“He is scared to death,” Phillips wrote to Leiweke.
Jackson arrived 90 minutes late for the press conference and made brief remarks that some of the 350 reporters described as odd and disjointed.
In an interview with the newspaper, AEG’s attorney Marvin Putnam suggested Phillips had exaggerated in his emails and said Jackson’s behavior appeared to be a case of “nerves.”
The Times said the messages will probably play a key role in two lawsuits set for trial next year. The shows’ insurers are asking a judge to nullify a $17.5-million policy that they say AEG got with false claims about Jackson’s health and readiness to perform. And Jackson’s heirs filed a wrongful-death suit that accuses the entertainment giant of pressuring Michael Jackson to carry on with a comeback despite indications he was too weak.
Lawyers for AEG, which has denied any wrongdoing, told the Times most of the correspondence was produced as discovery in ongoing litigation. They said the messages reviewed by the newspaper were incomplete and leaked to portray the company in a negative light. The lawyers declined to provide additional emails that they said would give a fuller picture, citing a protective order imposed by a judge in the civil litigation.
Numerous emails show Lloyd’s of London unsuccessfully pushing for access to five years of Jackson’s medical records in order to expand insurance coverage for the concerts.
The insurer also wanted Michael Jackson to undergo a four-hour medical exam that would include three doctors, heart monitoring and blood work. AEG’s insurance broker tried to persuade Lloyd’s to drop the physical, according to the email discussions. AEG suggested that Jackson’s physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, could give an oral recitation of Jackson’s recent medical history instead, the Times reported. Lloyd’s refused.
A Lloyd’s underwriter wrote that repeated requests for written records and details about Jackson’s daily fitness program were met “always with no response.”
Murray responded to the last of the requests June 25 at Jackson’s Southern California home, according to emails presented at Murray's criminal trial. He wrote that he had talked to Jackson and “Authorization was denied.”
Jackson died less than an hour later, according to a timeline Murray gave investigators.
Source: AP
Michael Jackson never drank and was not a drug addict. There is a Coroner's report confirming that and stating that NO sign of drug, alcohol or else addiction was found. The Coroner conducted tests over the brain, which allows to know about any addiction during the entire life, as the Los Angeles Coroner explained at the time. In the Coroner's report and in the Coroner's testimony at Murray's trial, there is also stated that Michael Jackson was in good health, more than any other person of his age.
These lies are not explicative of Michael Jackson's health. They have been obviously leaked with the purpose of making Michael Jackson appear in a bad light, in the attempt made by an insurance company, Lloyd's of London, to not pay.
Lloyd's of London also obtained Michael Jackson's medical records from Michael Jackson's Estate on a judge's order, trying to find a loophole to avoid the payment, which of course they did not find.
Michael Jackson wanted to do the This Is It Tour also to fix the accounts and pay off all debts, to give his beloved children the opportunity to see him on stage live, to perform in front of his beloved fans. He was enthusiastic and happy to live, and had dreams as well as working plans. Unfortunately Michael Jackson suffered from serious insomnia and unfortunately he trusted Murray, who treated his insomnia with serious negligence failing to give him an appropriate method of care as Murray was only interested in getting more money. Murray even planned to blackmail him once fired. Also, it couldn't be true that Michael Jackson denied his authorization to give Lloyd's of London his daily fitness program, because he already was under propofol and could not speak with Murray who left the room to speak on the phone and to write emails, as it was proved at the trial.
Once again is Michael Jackson put under attack and this is beyond disgusting. Once again media trash produce a BS article that does not give any true information.
Below the press conference that some reporters described as 'odd and disjointed' and in which actually Michael Jackson talked normally.